Composition: Synergistic combination of Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, OrganicChromium and Shatavari extract
Indication: Post calving or where there is Hypocalcaemia and Hypomagnesemia
Recommendation: One bottle per day for 5 days Post-Calving or during Stress condition
- Instant Supply of Calcium and Magnesium in body
- Improvement of Calcium metabolism in body
- Assists in reducing incidence of Milk Fever
- Assists in Complete Involution of Uterus after Calving
- Increase in Volatile fatty acid production in Rumen
Packshot : 400gm pack
Indication: Daily supplementation for Fertility, Health and Immunity of dairy animals
Recommendation: 50gm-100gm per animal per day as top dressing for Lactating animal 20gm per animal per day for young calves 2kg per 100kg of feed inclusion level
- MHA chelation ensures higher availability of trace minerals at target organsPACKSHOT
- Ensures healthy epithelial lining and reduces Somatic cell count in milk
- Coated Vitamins ensure Anti-oxidant action reduce free radicals
- Ensures metabolism of Calcium and phosphorus in the body25kg pack
- Nourishes fibre digesting bacteria and improves fibre digestion
- Maintain health and immunity of animal
- Maintains Healthy pregnancy
- Maintains Milk production and improves Milk quality
- Maintains skin coat shine and hoof health of animals
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Synergistic combination of Magnesium Oxide, Carbolic salt of sodium, Lactic acid utilising bacteria, Live yeast and Natural Rumen modifiers
Indication: Ruminal acidosis, Sub acute Ruminal acidosis, Lameness, Reduced Milk Fat, Poor Dung score
Recommendation: 50gm-100gm per animal per day as Top dressing 5kg to 7kg per tonne of feed where 35% Grain inclusion 7kg to 10kg per tonne of feed where more than 35% Grain inclusion
- Instant regulation of Rumen pH to normal range
- Increase utilisation of Lactic acid thereby reducing further fall in Rumen pH
- Increase in Fibre digestion and increase in feed intake
- Improved digestibility of feed and dung score
- Increase in Milk production and improved Milk Fat %
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Readymade Glucose Precursors (50%), Gluconeogenic precursors like Niacin and Choline, Calcium Propionate, Cobalt and Chicory extract with Jaggery base
Indication: During Transition Period, Ketosis, Stress period and Hypoglycaemia cases
Recommendation: During Transition period- 300gm per animal per day a top dressing During Peak lactation/Stress: 100gm-150gm per animal per day Ca be used in Pelleted feed as per advice of Nutritionist
- Instant increase in Volatile Fatty Acid production in the Rumen
- Increase in Insulin sensitivity thereby increase in Glucose usage
- Increase in complete breakdown of fat by Liver providing instant energy
- Decrease in NEFA (Ketone bodies) in blood
- Due to Lipolytic activity prevents Fatty Liver condition
- Calcium propionate provides both Calcium and propionic acid essential for Milk production
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Blend of Aspergillus species with fibre digesting enzymes along with Structural polysaccharides
Indication: Daily supplementation in the feed to manage Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis, poor fibre digestion and low fat in the milk
Recommendation: 3gm-5gm per animal per day in TMR Can be used in Pelleted feed @ 500gm per tonne of feed or as advised by Nutritionist
- Improvement in Fiber Digestion, increased acetic acid production
- Improved feed intake and increase digestibility of feed
- Maintains normal pH range of Rumen irrespective of change in feed or change in season
- Minimise fluctuation in Milk production
- Increases the Milk Fat %
- Maintains Normal health of dairy animals during peak production and Stress condition
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Blend of Toxin binders/adsorbants along with Structural polysaccharides
Indication: Daily supplementation in the feed to manage Multiple Mycotoxins in the feed
Recommendation: 15gm-50 gm per animal per day depending on toxin level in the feed Can be used in Pelleted feed as advised by Nutritionist
- Adsorption and Binding capacity to manage multiple types of Mycotoxins present in the feed
- Bio-inactivation of charged toxins in the rumen preventing local damage
- Improves Immunity and Production status of animal
- Increase in feed utilisation and Digestion of animals
- Reduces the load on Liver and Kidneys thus maintains their health
- Helps in providing Mycotoxin free Milk
- Ensures fertility of animal as it also binds ZEA/Ergot alkaloids mycotoxins
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Nature Identical Green Grass flavours with Taste enhancers and feed stabiliser conforming to EU feed additives/EFSA guidelines
Indication: Increase Palatability of Feed by enhancing Taste and Aroma of Feed
Recommendation: 3gm-5gm per animal per day in TMR
Can be used in Pelleted feed @ 200m- 250gm per tonne of feed
In Mineral mixture 800gm-1kg per tonne of feed
- Improvement in Feed intake of feed by animal
- Easier to change the feed with same flavour as per different stage of animal
- Good quality Aroma of compound feed
- Minimise fluctuation in Milk production
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Nature Identical Banana flavours with Taste enhancers and feed stabiliser conforming to EU feed additives/EFSA guidelines
Indication: Increase Palatability of Feed by enhancing Taste and Aroma of Feed
Recommendation: 3gm-5gm per animal per day in TMR
Can be used in Pelleted feed @ 200m- 250gm per tonne of feed
In Mineral mixture 800gm-1kg per tonne of feed
- Improvement in Feed intake of feed by animal
- Easier to change the feed with same flavour as per different stage of animal
- Good quality Aroma of compound feed
- Minimise fluctuation in Milk production
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Nature Identical Lacto vanilla flavours with Taste enhancers and feed stabiliser conforming to EU feed additives/EFSA guidelines
Indication: Increase Palatability of Feed by enhancing Taste and Aroma of Feed
Recommendation: 3gm-5gm per animal per day in TMR
Can be used in Pelleted feed @ 200m- 250gm per tonne of feed
In Mineral mixture 800gm-1kg per tonne of feed
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: High Intensity Sweet Taste enhancer and Taste potentiating agents conforming to EU feed additives/EFSA guidelines which is free from Animal origin product
Indication: Increase Palatability of Feed by enhancing Sweetness of Feed
Recommendation: 3gm-56gm per animal per day in TMR
Can be used in Pelleted feed @ 200m- 400gm per tonne of feed
In Mineral mixture 800gm-1.2 kg per tonne of feed
- Sweetness more than 80 times of normal Sugar
- Penetrating sweetener with long term sweetness
- Good quality Aroma of compound feed
- Increases dry matter intake 25kg pack
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: MHA Chelated Trace Minerals, Macro Minerals, blend of Anti-oxidants (Vit A, Vit E, Selenium and Grape polyphenol extract), Blend Probiotics (Aspergillus, lactobacillus & Saccharomyces sp.), Organic Chromium and Nicotinamide
Indication: Daily supplementation for Fertility, Health and Immunity of Buffaloes
Recommendation: 50gm-100gm per animal per day as top dressing for Lactating Buffaloes upto 8 lit daily production. For every 1 lit increase production supplement additional 10 gm per day
20gm per animal per day for young calves
2kg per 100kg of feed inclusion level
- MHA chelation ensures higher availability of trace minerals at target organs
- Ensures healthy epithelial lining and reduces Somatic cell count in milk
- Coated Vitamins ensure Anti-oxidant action reduce free radicals
- Ensures metabolism of Calcium and phosphorus in the body
- Nourishes fibre digesting bacteria and improves fibre digestion
- Increase in volatile fatty acid production and energy usage in Rumen
- Maintains health of reproductive tract and Fertility of buffaloes
- Maintain health and Immunity of buffaloes
- Maintains Milk production and improves Milk quality
- Maintains healthy pregnancy
- Reduce in incidence of Dystokia and Prolapse when supplemented on daily basis
- Maintains skin coat shine and hoof health of Buffaloes
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition: Bypass Fat (35%), Bypass Protein – 30%, Calcium- 4% with Stabilisers and Fillers.
Indication: Increase ration Energy Density, Transition period and Stress conditions
Recommendation:Regular feeding: 200gm- 300gm per animal per day a top dressing Can be used in Pelleted feed as (2%) or per advice of Nutritionist.
- Instant increase in Energy Density during each feedingPACKSHOT
- Improves Body condition Score
- Reduces Fermentation in Rumen
- Reduces Ammonia formation in Rumen
- With blend of Essential Fatty Acids assists in Fertility
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition:High Intensity Nature Identical Sweet Taste enhancer and Taste potentiating agents conforming to EU feed additives/EFSA guidelines which is free from Animal origin product
Indication: Increase Palatability of Feed by enhancing Sweetness of Feed
Recommendation:: 50gm per tonne of Feedin normal condition
70gm-80gm per tonne of feed Rancid ingredients (Always use Molasses)
In Mineral mixture: 50gm-70gm per 100kg of mineral mixture
- Sweetness more than 1300 times of normal Sugar
- Penetrating sweetener with long term sweetness
- Very Neutral in nature- No after taste bitterness
- No side effect reported unlike Aspartame or Sacchrine
- Increases dry matter intake
Packshot : 25kg pack
Composition:Nature Identical Water SolubleSweet Taste enhancer and Taste potentiating agents conforming to EU feed additives/EFSA guidelines which is free from Animal origin product
Indication: Increase Palatability of Feed by enhancing Sweetness of Feed
Liquid mineral supplement: 50gm-60gm per 100kg of formulation
Calcium Gels: 250gm per 100 lit of formulation
Liver and Vitamin tonics: 80gm-100gm per 100 lit of formulation
Molasses: 40gm-50gm per 100 lit
- Sweetness more than 550 times of normal Sugar
- Penetrating sweetener with long term sweetness
- Very Neutral in nature- No after taste bitterness
- No side effect reported unlike Aspartame or Sacchrine
- Covers up unpleasant and bitter taste of different ingredients in formulation 25kg pack
Packshot : 25kg pack